Ep 3. How Angie Got Here


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How Angie Got Here (ecologist, science educator)
Steph Spera, Rachel Lupien, Angie Patterson

On this episode of the podcast, we talk to Dr. Angelica Patterson, a.k.a., “The Shotgun Scientist.” Angie is the Master Science Educator at Black Rock Forest where she develops educational programming and leads excursions into the forest. She talks about her wild journey through college, internships, snack bars, fieldwork, academia, and more. Listen to her shed wisdom like an oak tree sheds acorns (if ya know, ya know).

You can follow Angie on Twitter and Instagram, read about her work in The Guardian, and watch this fantastic short documentary on her work from Verge Science.

Episode Extras

We reference the AMAZING Craig Santos Perez, who’s episode we recorded right before Angie and we will be releasing in the near future. (Steph and Rachel have been procrastinating writing poems - it will make sense when you listen! We’re sorry we’re bad students, Craig!)

I’m burning the candle at three ends!” - @steinbergdrawscartoons

We also mention our mutual friend, ecologist, mom of two kids and two cats, Mary Heskel. Mary’s an assistant professor at Macalester College who studies trees farting in the Arctic. You can see read about her cool work here, and hear her on Tumble Science Podcast for Kids here.

AND - to everyone who was worried, Steph realized she has three giant white oaks in her yard. Phew.


Ep 4. How Doug Got Here


Ep 2. How Martín Got Here