Ep 7. How Marysa Got Here
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This week on How We Got Here we talk to Dr. Marysa Laguë who is… wait for it… a James S. McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Dynamic and Multi-scale Systems (WHEW!) at the University of Saskatchewan in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Say that once. Just once. It’s a lot and it’s IMPRESSIVE.
Marysa expertly explains what climate models are to those of us podcast hosts who should really know what climate models are. What is q-u-e-u-e anyway? She also regales Steph and Rachel of stories about her first job as an educator at an 1890’s Victorian heritage town, which takes place, for the record, pre-hoop skirt, pre-bustle, and feather-in-cap optional.
You can follow Marysa on Twitter and Instagram for pics of her cats Alistair and Tufa.
Episode Notes
The Hot Club - Steph’s favorite bar, ever? (Not a paid ad, but we WILL accept sponsorships.)
A tale of two tufas. One Tufa is a cat, the other tufa is tower of calcium carbonate tower. You tell us which is which.